10 Best Commercial Property Management Software for 2022

With great commercial property management software, you have access to an all-in-one platform. This technology allows you to streamline and optimize every one of these areas. And that’s the All County Property Management Cape Coral purpose of this guide: to show you some of the best commercial property management accounting tools available so you can reap the benefits.

First off, if this is your first time looking into property management software for commercial real estate, let’s talk a bit about what you can expect from this software. In this guide, we will discuss the benefits and features of such software.

What is commercial property management software?

Commercial property management software refers to software designed to help property managers and landlords manage their properties.Specifically, it refers to the systems that property managers use to manage those properties, from accounting to marketing.

Similar to general property management software, commercial property management software for small businesses is typically designed as an all-in-one system to help you manage every aspect of your process.

However, in some cases, it might be designed specifically for commercial property or offer features useful for commercial property managers. Some of these features include a common area management and multiple lease calculators.

What are the benefits and features of commercial property management software?
So, what features can you expect from commercial property management software?

Features include:

Tenant portal: Centralize all tenant communication into one dashboard and allow for online rent payments
Marketing tools: List properties and units, grab lease templates, and screen tenants.
Maintenance: create, edit, and track work orders. Even communicate with vendors and tenants on those maintenance requests from directly within the software.

Accounting: Accept a variety of payment methods, manage multiple accounts for everything from lease payments to deposits, and run custom reports
Owner portal: Have one central place where you can issue checks and provide reports
And within each of these overarching categories can include countless other sub-features such as scheduling, reminders, and website setup, and more.

All in all, an excellent commercial property management solution can offer several exceptional benefits.

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